Ways To Improve Freediving Performance

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The improvement in your freediving journey should also improve your whole Life and your personal Self.

Improving your performance in freediving is very beneficial.

Not just for the freediving itself, but for other aspects of Life such as physical fitness, mental health, and general wellness.

The improvement can also help improve in another sport that you are currently doing.

In this blog, we will discuss a few steps that you can take to help improve your freediving performance and stay safe in the process.

Keep reading to find out more about the different ways to improve your freediving performance.

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Improving your performance in freediving requires intense self-awareness.

The awareness is crucial to make sure you are progressing safely and efficiently.

Taking Care of The Mind.

Your mind is the first thing you have to take care of for efficient and safe improvement.

A steady, calm, and focused mind can save a lot of energy dan oxygen while holding a breath.

Remember, thinking is also a process that uses oxygen too, a lot of it.

So, try to find and practice regularly some exercises that train your mind even better such as:

  • Mindfulness Meditation.
  • Counting Breath Techniques (Box Breathing, Piramid Breathing, etc).
  • Pranayama Breathing Techniques.
  • Trataka Gazing Exercises.
  • Visualization Exercises.
  • Neti Neti Meditation.
  • Yoga Nidra or Yoga Asanas.

Pick 1 or 2 that really suit your daily schedule and can be applied directly to your diving sessions.

The mind is a lot the same as the body muscle, it needs to be trained regularly and frequently so it can be used effectively.

Set it as your daily routine and experience the amazing improvement in your freediving performance.

Taking Care of The Body.

Taking care of your body means you have to look at your daily:

  • Physical Activities.
  • Food & Drinks.
  • Sleep Habits.

First, the physical activities consist of:

  • Exercises or sports other than freediving (Running, cycling, yoga, weight training, And other dry sports).
  • Freediving training session.
  • Other daily physical activities (Daily walking to the office, physical work at your job, bike to work/home, daily house cleaning, and any other activities that require your whole body to move).

For improving your freediving performance, you need to have:

  • Regular exercises other than freediving min. 2x/week.
  • Regular freediving training session min. 1x/week
  • Actively move your body min. 10-15 minutes every 4-5 hours every day.

This should keep your body maintaining its fitness and progressively improve its ability to adapt and move efficiently through any physical challenges.

Next, the food & drinks consist of:

  • Daily main menu (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner).
  • Snacks.
  • The daily volume of mineral water.
  • The additional drinks (Coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, etc).
  • Supplement and medicine.

To keep yourself improving, you need to check:

  • Your daily main menus are packed with high-quality nutrition rather than heavily processed foods.
  • Your daily snacks contain minimum refined sugar or any other chemicals.
  • You keep your food variety balanced between healthy food and not-so-healthy food.
  • Your daily mineral water consumption is more than the additional drinks.
  • You use supplements that provide additional nutrition which you cannot get from your daily menus.
  • You discuss properly with your doctors if you have to regularly take medicines.

Unless you are a very serious and dedicated athlete with adequate promoters and financial support, you have to keep a balance in your food & drink lifestyle.

If you have to take some not-so-healthy food or drinks, balance it with consuming some healthy food or drinks on the same day or the same week.

Furthermore, your sleep habits really need a serious check.

Sleep is the key that keeping your body stay healthy and ready to face any challenges the next day.

When we are sleeping, we are recovering, learning, adapting, and improving for the future.

Adequate sleep duration is a must if you want to have significant improvement in your performance.

However, the duration between individuals is very… individual.

We can say, the statistics and the experts recommend 7-8 hours a day.

But, in reality, it very much depends on the individual daily activities, mental health, and nutrition intake.

The healthier your mental health and nutrition intake, the less your body needs to sleep.

The heavier your daily activities, sometimes, the more your body needs to sleep (but, there are also some people that need less too).

What we can recommend which is truly beneficial for improvement is a “Regular Sleeping Schedule”.

You have to keep your sleeping schedule regular every day, the sleep and wake up time, even on the weekend or holidays.

The more regular the sleep schedule, the more balance and adaptive your body will become.

Regular Freediving Training.

To achieve more in freediving, you have to invest more time in freediving, the high-quality ones.

Not just spend 2-4 hours in a freediving session with a full collection of your photos and videos for social media.

Actually, you may do that, but don’t just do that if you want more improvement in performance.

You have to regularly check yourself in every freediving session:

  • Am I enjoying the whole training session?
  • Are there any particular exercises or techniques that are difficult to execute smoothly?
  • Are there any mental blocks and fears that pop up during the session? If yes, what and when.

These questions help to review and make room for improvement in the next session.

Moreover, you should always add some of these exercises in your training session:

  • CO2 & O2 tables.
  • Endurance interval training.
  • Surface hanging before dynamic.
  • Deep hanging with FIM/CWT.

You can add others or modify them for extra fun and challenges.

You should ask your instructor for more, or join other freediving club training for different training menus and challenges.

However, the most important when doing all of them is “Never Freedive Alone”.

Do your training with a qualified Instructor or Master so you can push your boundaries and limitation safely.

Finally, always make steady progress.

Don’t try to cheat or hack your way just to achieve a temporary achievement, PB, or NR that you can’t keep it up in a long run.

The improvement in your freediving journey should also improve your whole Life and your personal Self.

Freediving is not just a water activity, but also an adventure into your amazing Self.